Foto Martin Platter

Evolène - Valais - Suisse

By car

Ticino: Via Centovalli and Simplon then Sion. Direction Val d’Hérens, pass Vex direction Arolla. See the Pyramids of Euseigne on the way, continue on the main road to Evolène. Estimated time 4h.

Swiss German and Graubünden: Pass via Bern Fribourg Vevey Sion. Continue direction Val d’Hérens, pass Vex direction Arolla. See the Pyramids of Euseigne then continue on the main road to Evolène. Estimated time 3h-3h30 (Grison add 1h30). Variant using the train from Lötschberg.

Suisse Romande : Highway exit Sion. Continue direction Val d’Hérens, pass Vex direction Arolla. See the Pyramids of Euseigne then continue on the main road to Evolène. Estimated time 2 hours.

By public transport

Train to Sion. Bus n°381. Stop Evolène or Les Haudères. Possibility of transporting private belongings from the Evolène departure area to the arrival area in Les Haudères (without flight insurance). Customize your schedule under :

Attention, reservation recommended for the transport of the bike!


A car with one or more free seats and the desire to make acquaintances? New partners for your future outings? A car out of stock but a crazy desire to race? We will try to put you in touch!